Saturday, April 21, 2012

4/20 spend recovering from 4/19

I cracked my head open in the middle of the night morning. I let the universe pour into it and I discovered that I no longer existed. I thought of all of the love that I have given away. It was the only thing that made me feel real again. Adventure Time played to my right. Everything became trivial as I repeated to myself, "This is life changing. I will not be the same tomorrow. This is life changing." My own mantra.
I think I may have seen God stretched across the light of forever.

'But it's no use going back to yesterday, because I was a different person then'

-Lewis Carroll

Saturday, April 14, 2012

Flirt all night

Face red fo-evskis!

Monday, April 9, 2012

Only this makes sense

To J:

Did you drink the rest of the vodka?
"Is that even a question?" I know it's not. Just like, 'did you eat the rest of the pizza I bought?' and 'are you going to eat the rest of the other pizza I bought?'
Because you take the things that I buy but won't spend a little gas and time to come see me.

I am upset. And I'm sorry. I'm sorry I resented you so much and never told you.

Thursday, April 5, 2012

Pathos pathos pathos pathos

Even sugar sweet pop lies couldn't help just make it weirder like it's not your arms I want anymore or anyones just something not loneliness but getting more open is going except hard. I once knew how to not say the wrong things. Contrived this; contrived that. Just fucking ask, ok?

Monday, April 2, 2012


I love you without meaning to. Because you are deep and nobody else knows it. Like a secret that I can keep in my head and no one else will get to it.

Work is good but writing is stagnant. Obligatory almost. Ob-lig-a-tory. Obe-lig-a-tory. I can't even be that cute anymore. Nevermind, nothing is stagnant. I Can't even make up my mind.

This morning is weird with the blues a day late.

You won't even read this. Even.